

★未来完了時制の場合は「By the end of the year」「By next year」「By the end of the week」「By next week」ような「~までに」という意味の「By」で始まる語句が文頭にくることが多いです。
By the end of the week, a majority of the applicants will have finished a final interview.

○When did you finish your breakfast?
×When have you finish your breakfast?


The computer, which I bought five years ago, is now old-fashioned.

★前置詞の直後に、関係代名詞の「that」がくることはありません。基本は「前置詞 + which」、「前置詞 + whom」です。
Please describe a project for which you were the team leader.

Who that has common sense dare say such a thing?

★「all」「the only」「the first」などに先行詞が修飾されている場合は、関係代名詞の「that」が使われます。
All the pedestrians and vehicles that approach this place will be checked by the police.

★「前置詞 + 関係詞」の構文では、関係詞に「who」と「that」は使えません
○This is the room which I like.
○This is the room that I like.

○This is the room in which I sleep.
×This is the room in that I sleep.
×This is the room that I sleep.

★「たとえ~しても」という副詞の固まりを作る場合は「~ever」と「no matter~」を入れ替えできます。
Whatever you say to him, he won’t come to the party.
No matter what you say to him, he won’t come to the party.

○You can do whatever you want to do.
×You can do no matter what you want to do.

★先行詞が場所を表す名詞の場合、「前置詞 + which」の代わりに「where」を使うことができます。
○This is the restaurant in which I had dinner with my wife last night.
○This is the restaurant where I had dinner with my wife last night.

○This is the restaurant which I like most.
×This is the restaurant where I like most.

those who take the exam. 「その試験を受ける人々」
those present at the party. 「そのバーティに出席している人々」

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